Ruthless killing of women under the name of honor is common
Zareena Balaoch, speaking on the occasion of women gathering, she said ,Women rights are under sever violation, she said, we, being a women can not say that we are entitled to do this and not. Due to gender differences, violators enjoy man made social rules and principles. All rules and principles revolves round the life of women. current ambiguous situation in state laws. She further said. Women of developing society have to follow social and religious values, men are free. Near about all social and civil laws are the creativity of men, interpretation and implementation of laws are in the hands of man. The discriminatory distribution of gender role effects gender identity and freedom. All social standards for ideal society are set for women. Women have to follow all social principles other wise civilization of society will be destructed. social, economic,cultural, and personal factors such as young age, stigma associated with sexual matters, restrictions on physical mobility of women and girls, minority group status ,disabled populations, inability to pay or experiences or fears of poor treatment affecting peoples utilization of formalsector health services in general,and of sexual and reproductive health services in particular.